
【题记】“如果你厌倦了伦敦,你就厌倦了生活”,英国著名文学家塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)这样形容伦敦。10年光阴悄然流逝,作为常驻译员,张光波早已适应了伦敦的生活节奏,然而相比...

5. pan out 以某种方式发展 Maybe in the future sometime. I don’t know. With someone else. Get to see how it pans out. Ok? 也许就在未来某一天,会遇到什么人,我也不知道,拭目以...

教书教得有趣时,学生反应令人神往;译诗译得神来时,读者反应令人入迷——这奠定了他翻译学术思想的基础。 许渊冲曾将《诗经》《唐诗三百首》等译成英法文,将“三民主义”译为“of the pe...

Sarah: Love you. Mom: They're fabulous! Marley: I want you to have these. Peter: Am I making you hot? What kind ofcologneis that? He wasflirting withme. Sarah: Oh, boy. You're so weird. Marley: Hey. There's amaternity departmentupstairs. Want to ch...

Zheng:If so, then the attempt will turn out in failure. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any contradiction. Others should be able to not only identify your theme and the “thou...

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